Citrine Informatics -Implementation of MLOps Platform and Infusion of New Scala Developers

Citrine Informatics, an industry leader in the innovative field of materials informatics, leverages artificial intelligence operations to transform chemical development. Operating on a smart data infrastructure, Citrine Informatics embeds AI to ensure optimum productivity in their operations.
Citrine Informatics is a multifaceted enterprise with external research departments that collaborate with academia, industry, and national labs. Their projects span across diverse material classes and work with a range of collaborators. Continually advancing the frontier of materials informatics, Citrine drives the exploration of new material candidates through their unique expertise.
The Challenge
Their primary challenge lay in enhancing their materials informatics platform’s efficiency by integrating a streamlined Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) platform tailored to the specific needs of data scientists. Additionally, they were looking to supplement their team with expert Scala developers.
Scope of work
To overcome their challenges, our tasks comprised primarily of:
- Implementation of an efficient MLOps platform oriented to data scientists
- Provisioning of proficient Scala developers to their team
We started by establishing an MLOps platform, facilitating streamlined operations for data scientists and enabling scalable data notebook deployment and versioning. Deploying our best Scala developers, we ensured a seamless integration with their existing team while driving innovative solutions in their domain.
In summary, we at Iterators take immense pride in partnering with Citrine Informatics, contributing to their journey to revolutionize materials informatics. Our experience stands testament to our ability to deliver tailored solutions to businesses, driving their growth while providing top-notch expertise. We look forward to further collaborations, contributing our bit in transforming chemical development through smart data infrastructure and AI.
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