Boilerplate Code: Productivity and Consistency in Software Development

0 12 min read Kebs, Productivity


Tech & Business

Have you ever found yourself writing the same code again and again across multiple projects? Or have you experienced the frustration of dealing with minor errors in your code? Enter boilerplate code. This foundational element of software development provides engineers with reusable patterns and standard code structures, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Imagine working on a project and instead of fully focusing on your task, you’re stuck in a loop of copying and pasting the same snippets. It’s frustrating, right? Boilerplate code steps in to provide a reliable solution, liberating you from the monotony of repetitive tasks and ensuring stability and consistency in your work. It’s like a breath of fresh air in your development process, freeing you to concentrate on the more creative and challenging aspects of your project.

In this article, we’ll look at what boilerplate code is, why it’s troublesome, and, most importantly, how you can understand and effectively use it. By the end of this article, you’ll not only have a solid grasp of boilerplate code but also feel empowered to use it with confidence in your software development projects.

What is Boilerplate Code in Programming

Boilerplate is code that can be reused repeatedly with little to no modifications. Standard procedures and patterns found in a codebase are frequently represented by boilerplate code, thus establishing a recognizable framework that programmers can use.

Boilerplate code serves as a launchpad when developers embark on a new software project. It’s the project’s starting point, with the foundational and structural elements already in place. This means developers don’t have to start from scratch, ensuring they work efficiently and saving valuable time. This is particularly crucial for startups, where time is of the essence. So, while it may seem like a hindrance at times, it’s important to appreciate the role boilerplate code plays in the software development process.

Boilerplate code is frequently seen in object-oriented programming languages. Accessors and mutator methods are used to access and modify a class’s private attributes. Similarly, boilerplate code that is the same on several HTML web pages is located in the head section of markup languages like HTML. 

Let’s look at some benefits of boilerplate code:

  • Developers can save time and effort by repurposing boilerplate code in multiple projects or within projects.
  • By offering specified structures and standards encourages consistency in coding methods.
  • Developers can save time and effort by writing fewer repeated code snippets using boilerplate code.
  • Code readability is improved by a well-written boilerplate, which makes it simpler for other developers to comprehend and maintain.

Programming templates and standard code patterns are also strongly related to boilerplate code. Using templates, you can create new files or projects with pre-made structures.

Conversely, recurrent chunks of code utilized in various projects or within a single project are referred to as common code patterns.

When to Use Boilerplate Code

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Now that we understand the meaning of boilerplate code, let’s consider how and when to use this important element. Due to its adaptability, developers use boilerplate for a wide range of project sizes and types. We’ll next discuss a few situations where boilerplate code can be helpful.

1. Code Sharing

A few programmers create boilerplate codes and distribute them to other programmers. To help improve the underlying code, they promote debate and allow downloads of the boilerplate.

Some companies, however, produce their boilerplate to assist with larger products. This makes product management easier. The following conditions apply to these more complicated boilerplate codes:

  • Consist of properly documented programs that developers can use to their advantage.
  • To ensure uniformity, follow accepted coding conventions and guidelines.
  • Provide resources for establishing, experimenting with, and testing the use of boilerplate in source code.
  • Incorporate API modules assistance with integrations from external parties.

Large companies like Google and Microsoft have created comprehensive boilerplate frameworks to help in complicated projects. These frameworks include well-documented programs, coding conventions, and resources for testing boilerplate code. An example is Google’s use of Protocol Buffer, which serializes structured data and reduces the chances of errors. 

2. Scaffolding

Boilerplates for smaller projects are usually referred to as ‘Scaffolding’ or ‘Starter Kits.’ These are pre-built structures that provide a foundation for a new project, allowing developers to focus on the unique aspects of their project. Their primary target user base consists of novice developers and early adopters who can benefit from a head start in their projects.

By building the components that are only required for new projects, it focuses on quick prototyping. They don’t scale well over time or across projects and require less functionality.

Users need to construct fundamental functionality; thus, their code structure isn’t very enlarged and doesn’t entail additional abstraction layers. As a result, additional utilities are not required.

This all makes scaffolding particularly helpful for early adopters and new developers. One good example is of a scaffolding solution, Ruby on Rails, which provides boilerplate code generation for web applications, enabling developers to easily establish new projects with common configurations and components.

3. Consistency

The appropriate time to write and incorporate boilerplate into your scripts isn’t set in stone. However, boilerplate is preferable if you find yourself writing the same function codes repeatedly throughout the program.

Boilerplate reduces the chance of making code errors while reproducing a software function regularly. Here’s how:

  • Boilerplate is a tool programmers use to add preamble declarations comparable to their source files.
  • Inexperienced programmers refer to field-tested boilerplate from corresponding and related projects as models, which they then tweak.
  • Instead of composing repetitive code for comparable objectives, developers call software functionalities contained in a Java class with a boilerplate.

Approaching Boilerplate in Large-Scale Projects

Most experienced web developers concur that starting from scratch is usually impractical and inefficient when working on large-scale projects.

This is where a strong boilerplate becomes useful, as it builds applications with an extensive base that supports intricate requirements and integrations.

A typical example is a developer wanting to create a web application’s foundation. In a simplified snippet, there would be a basic code structure that may be adjusted to serve as the boilerplate for the project. For instance, a web developer might create a boilerplate that includes the basic structure of a web page, such as the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, along with common libraries and frameworks.

This foundational code is essential in software development, especially for online applications and static web pages. This guarantees that a common core, dependable and recognizable to the partner code, is shared by all websites.

Web developers may also write their own boilerplate for more complex projects involving many programming languages, incorporating server-side scripting and databases along with the specifics of their source code.

After that, this template can be duplicated for related projects and customized to fit each one’s unique needs. The template expedites the first stages of development and encourages uniformity in structure and code quality throughout the web development lifecycle.

How Can Boilerplate Code Be a Developer’s Nightmare

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This necessary evil can be a nightmare for some developers, especially if not used accurately. The common drawbacks associated with this are discussed below:

1. Difficult to Manage

Boilerplate code can make it hard for developers to manage work. The chance of mistakes and inconsistencies increases when code is duplicated over numerous files and any updates or changes must be made to each instance. Therefore, especially when boilerplate code is present in large projects, it can make the codebase more difficult to manage and evolve over time.

2. Reduced Readability of the Code

Codebases that contain boilerplate may be more difficult to read and comprehend. Developers find it difficult to understand the distinct logic of a certain segment when they encounter big blocks of repetitive code. This can make it more difficult to understand and alter code rapidly, which will slow down development and raise the possibility of errors.

3. Scalability Problems

Boilerplate code can restrict a project’s scalability. As a project grows, boilerplate code can accumulate rapidly, making it challenging to add new features or make big changes without reworking. As a result, it may be more difficult to promptly meet consumer expectations and postpone the delivery of new products.

4. Increased Bug Potential

Copying and pasting boilerplate code can easily result in multiple faults and errors. If the original code has defects, it’ll be more difficult to find and fix them because the bugs will be replicated across the codebase. This could make the software less dependable and of worse overall quality overall.

When To Not Use Boilerplate Code

Alternative methods are preferable in some circumstances, even though boilerplate code aids in streamlining the software development process.

1. Boilerplates shouldn’t be used instead of functions

Software functions shouldn’t be replaced with boilerplate code. It’s advisable for a programmer to write an original function if writing a lot of code is still necessary, even with a boilerplate. If you find yourself making significant structural changes to the boilerplate, then writing a software function is the best choice.

2. Code complexity shouldn’t rise due to boilerplate

When using boilerplate for software functions, be aware of code duplication. Excessive repetitions will result in a code footprint that is too large. Think about a scenario where you repeatedly call external services using the same copy of the codes that make API requests. It’s preferable to extract the duplicates into a new procedural call in order to minimize application size and enhance code maintenance.

Solutions to Boilerplate Code

boilerplate code scaffolding solution

We looked into how boilerplate code can increase development time and affect readability and maintenance.

The truth is you don’t have to write all that boilerplate code by yourself; integrated development environments (IDEs) like Eclipse or IntelliJ may assist in quickly constructing getters, setters, toString(), hashCode(), and equals(Object) for value-typed classes. However, consider scenarios where we would need to create numerous classes; would the IDE still be of use in those situations?

One benefit of boilerplate code is that, if you can manage it well (reduce for reuse), it turns your software into Reusable, Standardized, Efficient, and Readable.

Keeping boilerplate code organized and managed well is one of the main issues. Boilerplate code rises in tandem with project complexity and scale. Developing teams can address this issue by:

  • Make boilerplate code easily accessible to the entire development team and create a dedicated folder or directory.
  • Take control of the development of boilerplate code by using a version control system to monitor changes.
  • Have boilerplate code files and snippets named according to a standard so that they may be easily found and identified.

Other strategies include:

1. Use of Code Generators and Scaffolding Tools

Automating the production of boilerplate code allows developers to focus on their applications’ unique features instead of spending time on repetitive tasks. Yeoman for JavaScript and Spring Initializr for Java are two examples of tools that may produce starting templates with the required boilerplate code in a controlled and flexible manner.

2. Adoption of Frameworks and Libraries

Frameworks and libraries in Scala, such as Kebs, help reduce the amount of repetitious code needed by encapsulating common functionality. Kebs simplifies the usage of Scala’s advanced features, like case class generation and algebraic data types, with minimal boilerplate. By automating tasks such as serialization, deserialization, and validation, libraries like Kebs enable developers to focus more on business logic rather than repetitive setup and configuration. This approach mirrors the functionality seen in frameworks like Django for Python but is tailored for the Scala ecosystem, improving efficiency and maintainability.

3. Making Use of Snippets and Templates

Text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) frequently include templates and code snippets, which let developers rapidly add pre-written code sections. This guarantees consistency, and writing repetitive code segments takes less time.

How Does Reducing Boilerplate Code Enhance the Feedback Loop

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Reducing boilerplate code to simplify the development process, increases its readability, and speeds up the entire process—all of which greatly improve the software development feedback loop.

1. Faster Iteration and Prototyping

Developers can write repetitive code more quickly when they concentrate more on the essential logic and functionality and generate less boilerplate code. As a result of this acceleration, faster iterations are possible.

When boilerplate code is reduced, developers may focus more on the main idea and less on tedious implementation details, which accelerates iteration and prototyping. This is vital for agile development approaches, where short iterations are essential to improving software.

Frameworks like Django in Python and Spring Boot in Java minimize boilerplate by offering default configurations and conventions to speed up development and prototyping.

Moreover, there’s Scala, which has proved to make it easier for developers to focus on core functionalities instead of unnecessary details. In Scala, libraries like Play Framework have reduced boilerplate by providing default configurations, which allows teams to prototype rapidly.

2. Quicker Bug Identification

Additionally, codebases that are neater and less cluttered make debugging easier. Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) research highlights how fewer boilerplates improve debugging tools and process efficiency.

Integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Microsoft Visual Studio and JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA offer robust support for browsing and debugging simpler codebases. This simplified method expedites the process of identifying and fixing bugs by reducing downtime and increasing software reliability.

3. Responsiveness to Customer Feedback

Agile principles emphasize the value of adaptability and responsiveness to change in terms of responding to client feedback. Agile teams may iterate more quickly with less boilerplate code, allowing for the seamless integration of consumer insights into iterative development cycles. Streamlined codebases offer quick adaptation to client feedback, enabling timely delivery of new features and updates, as companies like Spotify and Netflix demonstrate.

4. Affecting Developer Attention Span

  • Improving Attention to Fundamental Features:
    • As time spent on boilerplate code is reduced, developers focus more on improving the software’s essential features. They can spend time-solving complicated challenges, such as how to apply repetitive processes. Maintaining focus on what really matters and delivering useful and practical software features requires this kind of dedication.
  • Lessened Cognitive Load’s Function:
    • Developer cognitive strain is decreased by minimizing boilerplate code. This is the mental strain necessary for information processing and problem-solving. Developers’ mental capacity is kept for comprehending complex business logic and solving difficult technical problems when they work with less verbose and redundant code. As a result, developers can focus for longer periods of time. This boosts output and lowers error rates.
  • Clarity of Code:
    • Code that is simple to read, navigate, and maintain is easier to understand. During reviews, developers can rapidly understand each component’s goal and functioning, making feedback and conversations more productive.

Practical Examples of Companies Using Boilerplate Code

1. Google

Google uses boilerplate code across its various platforms and projects. For instance, in Android development, Google provides a set of boilerplate code through the Android SDK. The SDK comes with boilerplate code that helps developers integrate mapping functionalities into their apps quickly. For instance, developers can use pre-written templates to display maps, add markers, and handle user interactions without writing the underlying code from scratch. This has significantly reduced development time and effort, allowing developers to focus on customizing and extending the maps’ features. As a result, numerous apps, from ride-sharing services to location-based games, have been able to incorporate robust mapping features efficiently.

2. Facebook

Facebook’s React framework, which is widely used for building user interfaces, includes boilerplate code to help developers set up projects quickly. The create-react-app tool, for example, provides a standardized project structure with essential configuration files and scripts, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than setting up the development environment.

3. Netflix

Netflix uses boilerplate code in its microservices architecture. They have open-sourced many of their tools and libraries, such as Hystrix for latency and fault tolerance, and Eureka for service discovery. These tools come with boilerplate code that developers can use to implement robust, scalable microservices, ensuring consistency and reliability across their infrastructure.

Let’s go into detail on how this works. When a downstream service fails or becomes slow, Hystrix’s pre-written modules ensure that the system remains responsive by providing fallback options. This resilience mechanism has been instrumental in maintaining a seamless streaming experience for Netflix’s worldwide users.

4. Airbnb

Airbnb uses boilerplate code for its front-end and back-end development. On the front end, they utilize boilerplate templates with their design system and React components, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the platform. On the back end, they use boilerplate code for API development, integrating with services like authentication, data validation, and error handling.

Airbnb’s design system includes boilerplate code for UI components that ensure consistency across its platform. For example, it provides pre-built React components that developers can use to create new features quickly. When Airbnb redesigned its booking flow, developers used these boilerplate components to ensure a consistent user experience and reduce the time needed to implement new UI elements.

5. Amazon

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides boilerplate code for various services. For example, AWS Lambda offers blueprints for serverless applications, allowing developers to deploy functions quickly with pre-defined templates for common use cases like image processing, data transformation, and webhooks. This accelerates the development process and ensures best practices are followed.

6. Microsoft

Microsoft uses boilerplate code in its Azure cloud services. Azure provides templates and quickstart guides with pre-configured settings and code snippets for deploying web applications, virtual machines, containerized services etc. In fact, the Amazon Prime Video team used AWS Lambda blueprints to develop serverless workflows for processing video metadata and generating thumbnails. This helped the team a lot as it improved both their productivity and security.

Summing it Up

We can all agree that boilerplate code is efficient and essential to software development. Providing reusable code snippets and programming templates helps developers speed up coding and increase productivity. When repetitive coding duties are eliminated by boilerplate code, programmers may concentrate on the essential features of their software.

However, the requirement for manually authoring boilerplate code may decline in the future as more sophisticated tools and code-generating techniques come into play. Development processes are already being streamlined by technologies like low-code platforms, template-based frameworks, and sophisticated IDEs, which automate tedious operations and lessen the need for boilerplate.

Whatever the case may be, you should know to carefully choose the boilerplate code that best suits the project’s objectives and use the strategies discussed above to save time, increase readability, and more.

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