How to Make your Competitors Fight for Life Using Unfair Advantage

0 12 min read Corporate Innovation


Tech & Business

What’s the difference between a good business and a great business?
A good business solves a painful problem in a convenient way for customers. But a great business achieves this and more thanks to the unfair advantage that makes it difficult for competitors to challenge them over time.

Every person has different talents and abilities. In order to achieve success, you have to find the hidden values within yourself. At a young age, these abilities can be recognized. Although these can be considered normal skills, such as being good at dancing, singing, and running, they can also be considered unfair advantages.

You’re going to make sure that the best feature of your product is always available until the very end. This means that you won’t call out all of the product’s features and hope that they’ll be found in the fine print.

You’ll eventually be asked to reveal your unfair advantage. In order to answer the question, you’ll have to explain how you would be better suited for the job than the person who is currently working for you.

After you have identified the factors that make you unique, you can then use your unfair advantage to meet the goals that you want to achieve. For instance, by providing details about how you’ve used your skills, you can show how you’ve already made a significant contribution to the company.

Behind every story of success is an unfair advantage. Your unfair advantage is the element that gives you an edge over your competition. In this article, we’ll look at the ways startups and entrepreneurs can build unfair advantages into their business model from the very beginning.

What Is An Unfair Advantage In The Business Model?

unfair advantage in the business model

Your unique talent is what we refer to as an unfair advantage, and it can be the reason why you were able to get an investment for your idea or business venture. For instance, if you were an entrepreneur, your unfair advantage might have helped you win the investment. On a team, your advantage might have led to you being given a leadership role. Your clients might also see your unfair advantage as the reason why you’re the best candidate for the job.

You may have experience in a certain industry. You can also be an effective leader who can balance personal accountability with your company’s goals. You might be good at breaking down complex concepts into manageable pieces. In addition, your oral and written communication skills are likely to be superior.

You can be the glue that holds a team together when there’s low morale. You can also be a great help during a crisis or an urgent deadline, as you can keep calm and focused on the task at hand. Your problem-solving skills can offer other people innovative ideas.

Examples of Unfair Advantages

unfair advantage examples

An unfair advantage is a type of talent or advantage that you have that other people can’t access due to one or more factors. It’s also valuable because it allows you to take advantage of your own unique skills and knowledge. To understand more about unfair advantages, let’s look at some unfair advantage examples you can use in your business.
Here are some examples of real unfair advantages that fit this definition:

  • Insider information
  • The right “expert” endorsements
  • A dream team
  • Personal authority
  • Large network effects
  • Community
  • Existing customers
  • SEO ranking

Some unfair advantages can start out as values that eventually become a differentiator. For instance, Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, believes that creating happiness for his employees and customers is very important to his company. However, many of his policies didn’t make sense at the time. For instance, he allowed his employees to spend as much time as they needed to make customers happy, and he also offered a 365-day return policy.

These policies helped distinguish Zappos from other companies. They also helped build a large and passionate customer base, which contributed to the company’s eventual acquisition by Amazon in 2009.

Here are a few examples of unfair advantages being applied:

An unfair advantage is when you create a machine learning program that’s regarded as one of the best in modern history. This is because you’re incredibly skilled at this subject and other people may not be able to catch up to you. An example of an unfair advantage is a loan that your father provides you with. Although it’s not cheating, it’s still considered an unfair advantage.

Another example of unfair advantage is something that you can use to build a successful digital empire after stumbling upon a technological breakthrough.

Many of these factors can help a business grow. If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s important that you identify and capitalize on these unfair advantages to ensure that your company can continue to benefit from them.

How to use your Unfair Advantages?

how to use unfair advantage

There are many ways that people can find an unfair advantage. One of the first steps in recognizing it is to look for it. After all, if you don’t know what you’re getting, then you can’t use it.

You should consider your business model when it comes to creating value for yourself and your company. We recommend that you spend some time thinking about how you can create value for yourself and your organization.

Value creation is done through leveraging various strengths such as knowledge, logistics, and product and service development.

Value creation involves improving the effectiveness of your marketing, sales, and customer relationships. It can also help your team find new ways to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Although we often avoid the concept of value creation in this way, it can be very important to consider how it can be done in both the external and internal aspects of your company. For instance, if you have a blog or a YouTube channel, then the technology that those platforms use is external, but the skills that your team uses to foster a connection between your company and its users are internal.

When you notice that you have an unfair advantage, then it’s important to take advantage of it. This skill can be used to improve the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts.

You should consider creating value for yourself by taking on new responsibilities and roles within your organization.

One of the most important steps that you can take to improve your skills is to develop new knowledge. For instance, if you are good at math, then you should consider becoming an accountant or financial analyst. This will allow you to get hired by companies that need people with these skills.

While you are leveraging your unfair advantage, make sure that you do so with no overconfidence issues. This can be a problem that you might have when you start to forget how great you are.

Being able to leverage and identify your unfair advantage can help you achieve success. It can be something that you’re good at or something that you’re passionate about. It could be a skill or hobby that you enjoy doing.

Creating your Unfair Advantage

creating your unfair advantage

Most entrepreneurs don’t have an unfair advantage at the beginning of their idea. For instance, Mark Zuckerburg wasn’t the first to build a social network. His competitors had a lot of money and millions of users when he started building it. That didn’t prevent him from becoming the world’s largest social network.

Mark had an unfair advantage story, even though he didn’t have one on Day 1. He knew that his advantage would come from large network effects, which prioritize everything that Facebook did.

When it comes to building a valuable product, avoid getting carried away by the idea of having an unfair advantage. Instead, focus on developing something that is unique and valuable without calling out any competitors. One way to identify an unfair advantage is by leaving the box blank.

The bad news is that once your unfair advantage gets traction, it’ll get tested by your competitors and copycats.

An unfair advantage is something that a company uses to focus on an area that its competitors can’t match. For instance, if a company decides to focus on an area that its competitors can’t compete in, then it can create a superior advantage.

A company’s competitive advantage should be distinctive and immediately recognizable. It should also be hard to copy, as doing so would make the idea become a commodity.

Here are some questions and points to think about to help you uncover your unfair advantage:

  • There are many quality providers in your field that you can choose from, but are you differentiating yourself from them? While your business might offer something unique, are your customers actually interested in what you provide?
  • Before you start developing a product or service, it’s important that you first understand what your customers want. This will allow you to customize your message and provide them with the products or services that they need.
  • Your competitive advantage should also be dynamic, as it can affect how your competitors react to it. This strategy can help you identify your next move.
  • Before you start working on a new product or service, it’s important that you first gather feedback from your customers to identify the various challenges and frustrations that they’re experiencing. You should also try to identify the things that your customers value most.

If a company doesn’t have an unfair advantage, then it shouldn’t expect to be successful. After the failure of New Coke, Coca-Cola was able to capitalize on its existing customers by launching a new version of Coca-Cola Classic. This strategy helped the company retain its most loyal customers. In addition to computers and beverages, other types of businesses can also benefit from Category Design. This process can help them establish a superior competitive advantage and position themselves as a leader in their field.

Capability Map

unfair advantage capability map

One of the most effective ways to visualize an organization is by looking at its capabilities. These are the building blocks that allow an organization to perform its operations.

The capability map is a representation of an organization’s various building blocks and their relationship to each other. It also shows the need for change, as well as the existing capabilities that need to be changed.

One of the most effective ways to visualize an organization’s capabilities is by looking at its state of change. This process can help planners identify the path to achieving their goals. This approach is commonly used in industry frameworks such as the TOGAF.

A well-designed and structured capability map can help you identify areas where an organization needs to improve or establish new capabilities. This process can also help you make informed decisions and improve the efficiency of your organization. Get a deeper understanding of the techniques used to create a capability map in our guide.

The concept of capability mapping is a practical way to help organizations identify areas where they need to improve or establish new capabilities. Although the typical pages of business books contain a lot of information about how to create a capability map, it can be hard for people to understand.

In this post, we’ll talk about the various aspects of capability mapping and how it can be used to improve an organization’s efficiency. Before we get into the process of creating a capability map, we’ll first discuss the definitions of business maps.

A business capability map is a set of items that a company does, and it acts as a guide for carrying out its strategic objectives. This tool is commonly used by companies to map out their activities to achieve their goals. It can also help them analyze their resources and structure.

The process of creating a business capability map can be iterative. It can be done in various ways depending on the requirements of the project.

Before we get into the method of creating a capability map, we’ll first discuss the definitions of business maps. One of the first steps to establishing a value chain is by taking a look at the various activities that a company performs to find out what it needs to provide its customers. This process can be iterative. Once you’ve defined the value chain, creating a capability map can become easier.

To create a unique capability map for your company, you can invite a cross-functional team composed of experts from different areas of the organization.

Before you start the journey of creating a capability map, it’s important that you identify the various activities that a company performs to provide its customers with valuable products and services.

After identifying the various activities that a company performs to provide its customers with valuable products and services, it’s important that the capabilities are categorized into lower levels.

Operating Model

Identifying your competitive advantage and unfairing advantage requires having the right operating model. This can either be done by starting from scratch or by adapting or overhauling your existing one. There’s no magic wand involved, and it requires a commitment from top to bottom.

Let’s talk about the definition of an operating model and how it can help you identify and improve your competitive advantage. An operating model is a visual representation of an organization’s operations and strategy. Deloitte also defines it as the configuration of an organization that enables it to deliver its goals and strategies.

The strategy and operations of a company are aligned to the business goals and objectives. Having the right operating model can help them determine the actions and processes that they should adopt to improve their competitive advantage.

An operating model is a visual representation of an organization’s operations and strategy. It enables it to deliver its goals and strategies by utilizing technology, people, and processes. Having a well-defined and actionable strategy is also important to ensure that the organization’s current operating model is working properly.

Your strategy leads and guides the operating model. You have your operating model up and running that is aligned to and delivering on the strategy. But, what does it really give you in practical terms, what are the benefits?

unfair advantage operating model benefits

The benefits of having an engineered and defined operating model are numerous:

  • Provides you with a breadth view of the ongoing steady state of the business.
  • Is easier to communicate to a wide audience and gives a sense of share purpose.
  • Provides the basis for defining more detailed work and process products.
  • Delivers improved performance and reduced cost.

There are likely others that you could think of, but these are a good starting point and help with executive acceptance as the benefits can be directly tied to business and operational performance.

Unfair Advantage vs Competitive Advantage

unfair advantage vs competitive advantage

Both Competitive Advantage and Unfair Competitive Advantage are key ingredients in the formation of new ventures. They seem similar in nature but there are some differences between the two.

Businesses using competitive advantage offer consumers greater value than their competitors do.

We can talk about competitive advantage, when:

  • Value is created so anything increases income over costs.
  • The properties or dimensions of each firm enabling it to offer better value than the competitors to customers.
  • These values outweigh the price paid by the customer.

There seems to be a direct relation between customers’ expected values, values offered by the company, and those offered by the competitors. They determine the dimensions and conditions of competitive advantage.

A company can gain a competitive advantage if it’s able to create new products or provide services that are better than those of its competitors.

Competitive advantage is a strategy that a company uses to increase its value to its customers. It can be something as simple as selling products at a lower price or providing services that are more effective. These types of strategies can help a company establish a long-term relationship with its customers.

When the concept of equality ceases to apply to the businesses that are competing, then a company’s competitive advantage becomes unfair. For instance, if your competitors have access to various factors such as culture and information, they’re more likely to acquire effective results and compete efficiently in a market.

Unfair competitive advantage allows companies to access certain production factors that are not available to other competitors. This type of advantage isn’t distributed evenly. It can be assumed that the founder of a startup has acquired this competitive advantage almost by default.

An unfair advantage is something that you have that is considered to be a disadvantage, like being picked for a job due to your race or other factors.

How an unfair competitive advantage might occur for a startup?

  • Insider knowledge.
  • Existing alliances.
  • Access to lists.
  • A gift (intellectual, creative, social, perceptual or physical).

Jay Barney, a professor of strategic management at the University of Utah, came up with the concept of unfair competitive advantage after he developed the VRIN framework, which is a valuable resource that a company can use to its advantage. The concept of causal ambiguity is the central point of the framework, which means that a company can’t easily copy and reproduce an advantage.


One of the most important steps that you can take to improve your competitive advantage is by identifying what skills or areas you’re good at. It could be something that you enjoy doing or something that you’re passionate about. The same applies for your team members.

You have the opportunity to find and leverage your unfair advantage. The first step is to identify what sets you apart from other people in your field. Once you have identified the factors that make you unique, it’s easier for others to see how valuable you are to their company or organization.

It’s in the best interest of your company to have an unfair advantage, as it allows it to compete against other companies and organizations that can easily copy and reproduce your ideas. It can take a lot of work to build a competitive advantage, but it’s still possible to do it.

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